Tuesday, February 18, 2014


I seriously don't know what to title the posts!

I hate that my babies are growing up so fast.

Friday was Valentine's Day. The kids spent the day baking cupcakes and decorating them with D. I loved coming home to that - but I also wish that it was me doing that with them on Valentine's Day instead of stuck behind a desk doing things to make others rich.

Unfortunately, my time with the cupcakes was short - I had to grab Sof and take her to the pedi. The day before, D and GG had seen some blood when she had a poop. They were both alarmed by it and of course...made me alarmed. Dr K couldn't see anything and told us it was a good thing that it was bright red, but to keep an eye on it and maybe take a picture next time and keep her up to date on things. She thought it could be from having some constipation and straining. I'm happy to report that she had three poops over the weekend and NO blood! So we'll see. Maybe it was a fluke.

While in the waiting room, (it was Sof, me and my dad), I had brought along the books she got for valentine's day. She was starting to color her Sofia the First book and I see that it's a picture from the episode called "Shy Princess". I couldn't remember the name of the shy princess so I just ask Sofi. She answers - Vivian! We haven't seen this episode in a while, but the kid remembered! Then yesterday, since H was going to be late, I met up with my parents at the mall. On the way home it was just me and the kids. Sofi - of course - didn't fall asleep. So at one point, as I'm trying to change the CD of the book I'm listening to, and realize that I can't find it, she asks for Sofia. I put it on. Then...she asks me to turn it up. Really????

So at the next red light I try to look for the CD again so I can listen to my story. She warns me that the light is green. :::sigh::: when did she get so big? I know we talk about red and green and that green means go. But seriously!!! My smart little cookie!!

Then we have Miss Alex who tells me to be careful in the car. Yeah - backseat drivers???

And poor P. He's teething again (still?) and boy does he get diarrhea when he's teething! Poor baby has such a red and sore bum. He was hysterical at the mall, because of a poopy diaper and being sleepy.

We also slept over at my MIL's this weekend with all the kids. We had a birthday party on Saturday and a brunch on Sunday, so at the last minute we decided to sleep over. E was there too. It was nice to have the kids together. But I thought having her sleep with P would be best, since he doesn't wake up at night....WRONG! Poor baby was up for about two hours. And he didn't want me. I think H finally got him to calm down by walking him around.

When we were ready for bed, Sofi grabs her baby doll and purse and announces "Sofi's home" - as in let's get moving and go home. Ummm sorry kid, we're sleeping here. Nope - that wasn't what she wanted. She was really good about it, but it also made her ask to go home when we were at the mall. Poor kid - how is she going to last two nights in San Diego???

Oh - and the party we went to - the grandma has twin girls (T&T). We were talking about things and she told me to always write everything down. Her girls always ask her who did what first and she can't remember (the twins have a sister about 3 years older - so the woman was busy!) So I'm going to try and make an effort to write more. It may be random like today, but at least it written down. Use your own intelligence and put it in order!

This came up because Alex had a bruise on the left upper arm. They asked what happened, and I said that Sof bit her a few days ago. Yes, Sofi is doing better at not biting, but she's two. She still does it once in a while when she's frustrated, tired and mad. Then it was discussions about what they wear. Well, on Saturday, Sofi pointed at a dress in the closet that they haven't worn (or at least in a long time) and I let her wear it. Then I just grabbed the "second one" that we had of it and put it on Alex. She didn't protest. But the shoes and accessories - Sofi wanted her pink Uggs with the bows in the back. Two bows in her hair and a headband. Then pink sunglasses. Yeah - little diva. Alex wore her pink Nike's when I gave them to her - no questions from her on that day.

But Sunday, after she woke from her nap at Grandma's (still don't know how Alina did that!). she refused the dress I had for her, then decided that she wanted to wear it OVER a long sleeve dress she was already wearing. And she slept in all of that.

Then in the middle of the mall, her shirt gets a little wet, and she makes me put on Patrick's PJ shirt. pot belly showing and all!! AND - at home, half asleep, she wants to wear underwear. I make her wear it over her PJ pants and diaper!!!!!

They are very different, yet I don't know how to explain it.

Sofi can stare you down. And she will at an initial meeting. Alex is shy at first and hides behind my leg, but once you give her a hello and a friendly pinch - she melts and loves the attention. Sofi is very protective and weary about the people around her - yet she is more assertive. They each waver as to who is easier to get along with - they are both stubborn in different ways. But Sofi is the mamma bear. A woman at the park even commented when she stepped in to help P. There is not way to mistake the fact that you better not cross her - hell hath no fury!!

I love my babies so so much. Miss them like crazy!!!!

Thursday, February 6, 2014


Goodness, why are they growing so fast!!

Alex has taken with the English language In these few short months, she's really absorbing it. Now she goes around saying ..."I want tatik" or "I want..." REALLY!!!!

Patrick's language skills are improving too. He's very good at directing you to what he wants. The other night we were having tacos and we used all the "real" cereal bowls for the toppings. Patrick sees them and starts trying to say "cereal" (basically "see"). Yup - since daddy has cereal in those bowls every morning with him, he wanted cereal. He was pacified with some dry cheerios. But seriously - smart little cookie!

He also says "mee" for mickey/minnie. He'll grab the remote and look at the TV so you put it on for him. The other day Diana swore he was saying "teev" and staring at the TV.

Sofi is also starting to talk more. She's harder to understand, but I think i'm getting her language! She has all the words down, it's more about putting them together and hoping that we understand!

I thought we were over this whole flu/cold episode - but it looks like we're not. I have a cough that will not go away. It just started again last week. And poor Sofi didn't have a good night. Poor thing has been a little off the last day or two - not eating much at all. Yesterday she was feverish. Then in the middle of the night she woke up crying to pee and wasn't doing too well. She threw up. All we had managed to get her to eat were three tiny feta sandwiches and milk. It all came up. She gets so upset when she's sick that it breaks my heart. Thankfully that was the only episode so far.