Monday, August 26, 2013

All about Alex...

For some reason, I just have a few bits to update about Alex!

8/18/2013 - she got her first hair cut! Not a major one, but our dear neighbor trimmed off just enough to get her out of that mullett look. She even loves her hair, though the chunk that she usually twirls around her finger is much shorter.

Since her birthday party, she's been sleeping with her Sofia the First book. Again, thank you to the neighbor and her DIL. They got it for the girls. Grandpa had to go out and buy a second one since they would fight over it so much!

She's also gone through a phase of waiting to poop after she's been in bed for a good half hour - so we end up in the bathroom for what we've dubbed "a marathon session". You would think she's just procrastinating about sleeping - nope - she seriously goes for quite a while. But we are required to read Sofia the First through it all. And since potty training is going to well, I can't have her just go in the diaper - so we have our nightly chats. And boy is her vocabulary AMAZING!!!! She puts together 6 word sentences - like complex ones!

Then we had a minor incident yesterday - she fell in said neighbor's pool. She was trying to sit right beside me, but didn't make it. I was holding Patrick and DH had Sofi. Thankfully the neighbor hopped in and got her before she could float to the top. She wasn't phased by it - not a single swallow of water, gasp for air, a need for a hug - nothing! I love that we were all pretty calm considering. It was a fun day there and thankfully it ended on a fun note of eating spaghetti! The DIL was feeding her son, and apparently my little vultures went in to help themselves. At least they were full! And it got the little boy eating too - so that made all us momma's happy!

And of 8/24/2013 - the girls are officially forward facing. I was VERY reluctant about this, but with all the crying Sofi has been doing latley, I had to try. And she was totally calm the whole ride to my aunt's house. Not a peep! I don't know if she was getting car-sick or what, but I don't want outings to be a miserable experience. I wish I didn't have to change it yet, but we made it 25 months! So that's not too bad in my book.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Teeth, parties and more!

8/9/13 - He officially has two itty bitty teeth!! We finally felt then on Friday, and it's just over a week later and you can really see them now!! Poor little man must be quite the trooper, because I've sworn he's about to get his teeth for about 5 months now! FINALLY!!

We also took that lovely weekend to go to Goofy's Kitchen at the Disneyland Hotel. Well, we were doing ok and actually made it on time. We were waiting in the lobby to be called in ... when it happened...Goofy sneezed. Yes, Goofy was out there taking pictures with everyone and he was playing around with a kid and made a big sneeze. You guessed it - Miss Sofia was in hysterics and all I could do was hug her and laugh. Yes...I'm that mom. He caught her totally off guard and she literally jumped clear out of her skin - I actually saw this part - so I knew it would be bad. One of the Disney employees even came over to see what was up. Yes, she laughed with me. But we made it to go in, but they were totally weary of all the characters. They didn't really want to touch them or have them too close. Even Miss Alex was a little hesitant. But thankfully they weren't scared for life. Sofi would just keep saying that Goofy sneezed and she cried. But she's still playing with her toy Goofy, so they're on good terms again.

Well, the next day we were to go to the Beach with my family, but Alex and I woke up with colds. Thankfully we stayed home, got some nice long naps in and we did go to the park for some fresh air. We also got our first taste of the ice cream truck! But daddy did the picking, and made some yummy choices. It even enticed one little girl to come to our table and fully pull open our little cooler bag and want one. I had to send her back to ask her mom - didn't want to take chances that she had an allergy or mom just didn't want a stranger giving her kid food.

The next weekend - 8/17 and 8/18 we also full of firsts! Daddy took us to our first Angels game as a family! As I suspected, we didn't last too long in our seats. Sofi freaked out. Not sure if it was because of the height at first, but it didn't help when everyone cheered and the little fireworks went off because of a home run. Ooops! So she and I spent some time out by the food and drinks. Poor DH had the baby and Alex! But they did great! Thankfully they sat quietly and watched for a bit. Being in a new place was exciting. But eventually they came out too and we decided to walk around the levels a bit. We did manage to stay until somewhere in the 6th inning - and heard the 7th inning stretch while getting into jammies to go home. Not too bad, but I need to figure out if Sof is afraid of heights or may have super sensitive ears. Ugh. Maybe we should have taken the girls when they were tiny so they would get used to it. There was a little boy, maybe a little over 1 who was doing so well, sitting all quietly and watching the game. Hopefully Patrick will get some more games under his belt and he'll do better. Maybe we need to encourage some daddy and son baseball games!

On Sunday we ventured over to Ir.v.ine to go to a picnic sponsored by an Armenian Church's Saturday School. There was an old family friend that would be there and since they live so close to us, I really wanted to make it out there to see her - I'm really glad I did. It was fun, it felt like a huge family picnic more so, than an organized school picnic, so it was nice. Everyone took us under their wings and made us feel very comfortable. The girls surprisingly opened up fast and were little hams!

Once we got back home and were unloading the car, our neighbors came out to say hi. Janice had been saying that she would give Alex a little hair cut one of these days since I was so terrified to have anyone touch her hair! Alex freaked out a bit, and squirmed ALOT! But Janice did an amazing job! We even got her to put her feet in the pool and did part of the cut there! LOL! We need to open a hair salon that lets you wade in a pool! But she looked ADORABLE!!! She took off enough to get her hair to look "normal". I feel bad saying that about my own kid, but her hair really was unruly.