Thursday, February 6, 2014


Goodness, why are they growing so fast!!

Alex has taken with the English language In these few short months, she's really absorbing it. Now she goes around saying ..."I want tatik" or "I want..." REALLY!!!!

Patrick's language skills are improving too. He's very good at directing you to what he wants. The other night we were having tacos and we used all the "real" cereal bowls for the toppings. Patrick sees them and starts trying to say "cereal" (basically "see"). Yup - since daddy has cereal in those bowls every morning with him, he wanted cereal. He was pacified with some dry cheerios. But seriously - smart little cookie!

He also says "mee" for mickey/minnie. He'll grab the remote and look at the TV so you put it on for him. The other day Diana swore he was saying "teev" and staring at the TV.

Sofi is also starting to talk more. She's harder to understand, but I think i'm getting her language! She has all the words down, it's more about putting them together and hoping that we understand!

I thought we were over this whole flu/cold episode - but it looks like we're not. I have a cough that will not go away. It just started again last week. And poor Sofi didn't have a good night. Poor thing has been a little off the last day or two - not eating much at all. Yesterday she was feverish. Then in the middle of the night she woke up crying to pee and wasn't doing too well. She threw up. All we had managed to get her to eat were three tiny feta sandwiches and milk. It all came up. She gets so upset when she's sick that it breaks my heart. Thankfully that was the only episode so far.

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