Thursday, May 14, 2015

Things to remember

Pee cause = because. (Alex)
Got for = forgot (Alex)

Patrick is still refusing to be potty trained but has happened to pee two times in the potty over the last two weeks. 

Sofi. Where to start. Had a horrible experience at spring camp at MyGym. She cried the whole time that they gave her a blanket to sleep in the lobby. Since then, she won't go to ANY of her classes. It's a little horrible trying to convince her. I'm willing to do try anything. Such a struggle. 

Meanwhile Alex is doing so well in ballet and getting ready for her recital in July. 

Saturday, February 7, 2015


Here goes = here you go

He will stand and tell you how things are supposed to be while wagging his finger.

If you don't understand him and get things wrong, he repeats himself slowly, syllable by syllable, as if you are not as smart as he is. And he has a very deliberate look on his face!  

Sofia & Alex use the word "cloky walky". They have also started to use their Barbie dolls as "mommy" and the little princess dolls as the "babies". I usually respond to them in error when they ask mommy something.

Alex has officially been out of pull ups when she sleeps for three days!! She's doing great!!