Friday, May 16, 2014

Oh boy, a lot to report

4/17/14. Alex had a febrile seizure. Not fun.

4/28 I put in my resignation notice


BooBoo is talking up a storm!! He identified Dora in the jungle of Walmart crap. He says "more", "please", and so much more. If you ask him what he wants, he will answer you correctly. He knows - trust me. If he says yes, then there is no arguing. 

He's a tiara/headband/MinnieMouse Ear wearing man. A real tough boy. But oh, if kookoor isn't around - he's sad.

And that blue dog is still around. 

We also got the girls helmets for their tricycles. Alex got a Barbie one and Sof got a Hello Kitty one. Alex has been so obsessed with it and she calls it her "hymen" yeah, we still think it's funny!!