ok - this is going to be quick:
9/9/2013 - P started to get his upper two front teeth!
9/7/2013 - FINALLY!! Since Sof was so passed out from Disneyland, I put her in her bed - upstairs - and she stayed there and didn't wake up until morning! This has been the start to her sleeping in her bed!! We're a week and a half into it, and she's doing great! Still requires hand holding to fall asleep, but she passes out quickly!
9/16/2013 - Dare I say it - Sofi and Patrick are sleeping through the night! Alex still gets up but we're working on it. Not sure if it's her peeing that wakes her up. Apparently on Saturday night when we were at a wedding, she woke up at 4am and walked to our room and told my mom she had to pee - proceeded to pee and poop in the potty and then head back to bed!
9/7/2013 - DISNEYLAND!! Second trip for the girls. Super fun day but HOT!! P didn't come with us - thankfully! The girls lasted until 7pm. Alex took a little nap in my lap, but Sofi wated until we were sitting to eat at about 7 to pass out. Bobbing head and all!
8/31 - Birthday party at Santa Ana Zoo - super fun to see animals!
9/1/2013 - Pool Party! Terez's son's birthday. They all had so much fun in the water!
9/15/2013 - Saw Patrick just stand up - holding nothing - just in the middle of the family room! Gosh - slow down buddy!!
OK - don't want to miss these dates!