So......... HE's here!!!
Patrick joined our family on December 1st and he's just pure perfection!
The hopes of a VBAC didn't happen and we just went in for a scheduled c-section on Saturday, December 1st. I wanted my OB to do the surgery and didn't want to risk having another doctor do it. So we went in early that morning and he was here before 10am!
The girls have been totally in love with him from the first day. They both keep saying "beebee" (baby)! They love to kiss and hug him.
Sofi is the total big sister. If he cries, she's the first one to stand by his bouncer or bed and make sure that we know the baby is crying. She always wants to hug and kiss him. She does, however, also love to poke her little fingers into his mouth and eyes! You'll also catch her trying to pet him and then slapping him hard on the head. We're working on "gentle", she's getting there! In the beginning, she used to totally say his name, now she just calls him "beebee", I can't figure it out.
Alex also adores her little brother. But she's funny! I think she's grossed out by him. She's always trying to give him a paci, but she only gets it so close to him and then pushes away. Yesterday us three girls were playing in their room and my dad brought Patrick in. So I grab him and Sofi signals that she wants to hold him, so she sits on the floor and I put him on her lap and she hugs and kisses him. Then Alex sits and wants the same - but as soon as I put him on her lap, she squirms away! It's so cute! It's like a human being scared and grossed out by an animal we try to feed - strange yet interesting!
Patrick is an excellent baby! I can't complain an ounce about him. He eats well, sleeps well (yet it's not always when I want him to sleep) but he's not a super fussy baby. He's very relaxed considering the chaos that is going on around him. So far we managed to breastfeed for about 8 weeks (momma couldn't handle it anymore - the chaos of the house and trying to spend time with the girls was just too much for me.) He started to really smile at about 5-6weeks old. Now he's just a little ham and it's so much fun to sit and talk and play with him! He's also super tall! He only lasted in Newborn diapers for about 3 weeks or so, and now he's in size 1's. Clothing wise, I was naive and took the preemie outfit we had for Alex to the hospital, um nope, couldn't even get him in that thing! He's out of Newborn clothes and even the 0-3 month stuff is just fitting - he may only have a few more weeks in them! I'm so not used to this - the girls were always on target/a little behind, with clothing sizes (until now!). So that's most of what the little man is doing. We just love and adore him and I can't imagine life without him!