Time really has flown and I don't see it slowing down at any point. But life is really good.
This pregnancy is going great. I can't complain a single bit about it. This poor babe is getting beaten up by little miss A and miss S, but s/he takes it like a trooper! I hope it will be the same on the outside! Not much to report. We have our anatomy scan tonight. Looks like H really wants to find out the sex, but I just can't seem to agree. I LOVED finding out in the delivery room - it was so magical to hear the words and see their faces all at the same time. It's killing me not to know, but I just want that moment for the two - well actually three of us to share and have for us. I don't want anyone else in on knowing what's cooking. I know I don't make any sense, but I fear the "magic" will be lost for me. But, above all else, I just can't wait to see mini-mart C. It's been too long!
As for little miss A and little miss S - my how they are growing. We went to a party for our BFF's youngest son on Saturday (well, my mom, the girls and I) and I actually had to spend my time running around after little toddling Sofi - like she walked all over the place! Not just a step here and then time to pick her up - like walking consistently! I was in total shock realizing that things had changed forever.
Meanwhile, little miss Alex hung out with Grandma and got to blow bubbles and relax. She's such a little stinker! I can't wait to sign them up for swim lessons! I think Alex is going to rock it. She takes the biggest strides when she crawls - she gets to where she wants to be FAST! I'm thinking this might translate into good swimming strokes. We'll see!
What else - Sofi is now getting her lower lateral incisors (the #2's for those like me who know nothing about the names of teeth!) Alex is working on those upper molars. I don't see signs of Alex wanting to walk any time soon - but this is the girl who does things all out - so maybe she's hiding her talent!
And we have a huge event coming up - these little ladies are turning ONE!! The party is on Sunday and I hope they have a good time. I'm just sad that I think many of the kids aren't coming - but whatever! I know they'll still have a great time and maybe it will just be less stressful for me.
Then the following week, we're going away for a few days. Hopefully the girls will actually get a chance to get some actual beach and pool time. I hope the weather holds up nicely and they actually enjoy it. I've never had a chance to take them to a pool, and we've only walked around the beach.
Then after that - we get to take some family pictures! I can't wait! I just need to get all our outfits together and I hope I can find some cute ones for the girls. So far there are some good ones, but nothing I'm in love with.
And now for the weekly (or almost) quiz:
How far along? 20 weeks
Weight gain/loss: I think just 2lbs, I've been sick for what seems like FOREVER and I know I had dropped a bit a few days ago - so hopefully I'm making up for it and will actually start gaining soon. This is pretty much what happened with the girls - I really didn't start gaining until the second half or maybe 3rd tri - so we'll get there!
Feeling: Besides this left over cough - pretty darn good! Can't complain!
Maternity clothes? Still a mix - but I don't think I can pull off the non-maternity pants too much longer. I only do it out of desperation.
Sleep: Still doing good!
Food cravings: None. I just find it hard to find something that I really want to eat.
Movement? Starting to get some more distinct kicks and movements - but I think it's far less than what I was feeling with the girls.
What I miss? Still just Sushi or an Ahi steak and a fruity cocktail.
Best moment this week: Realizing how big the girls are getting. I just know they're going to be such amazing big sisters.
What I'm looking forward to: So much! Ultrasound tonight, OB appointment tomorrow, the girls party, their actual birthday, our trip and our pictures! I have alot to look forward to and I'm very excited!
Next Appointment: Anatomy scan is tonight and an
Your baby weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now. He's also around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel — the length of a banana. (For the first 20 weeks, when a baby's legs are curled up against his torso and hard to measure, measurements are taken from the top of his head to his bottom — the "crown to rump" measurement. After 20 weeks, he's measured from head to toe.)
He's swallowing more these days, which is good practice for his digestive system. He's also producing meconium, a black, sticky by-product of digestion.